FitnessOne Unisex Gym. Our business is all about fitness. Every aspect of fitness. We will get people to recognize the importance of fitness. And we will show them how to adopt fitness regimens that will dramatically improve the quality of their lives. We will go about this professionally, leveraging and adapting global best practices, and staying current in our programmes.
We will always be keen students of the sciences of goal setting, motivation and outcome based planning and implementation. We will seek every occasion to grow our personal knowledge in the field, and proactively share such knowledge with the team.
We are unlikely to ever have all the answers. But we will not be wanting in our focused efforts to deliver the best fitness solutions. We will not pass judgment on competition. Our focus will always be to improve our service standards. And to lead by example.
We always encourage people to take action on their health and fitness. In order to break the jinx and make people to workout we offer Trial membership for first time gym users.
Choose your nearest Fitness One centre and register for Trial workout. Alternatively you can also call our Customer Support Number 9600009010 (10 am – 6 pm, Monday to Saturday) register for Trial Membership. Email us at
FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY WHY INVESTING IN FITNESS ONE / PINK FITNESS MAKES SOUND SENSE. Sedentary lifestyles, driven by modern work culture and technological convenience, has made India into a global epicenter of poor health and fitness. Ironically, the country that gave the world Yoga and spirituality is embroiled today in sloth and reckless consumerism. The youth are no better – internet, television and video games have all but replaced outdoor activity. Driven by our love for fried food, sugar overloads and a host of other dietary disasters the situation only becomes more scary. We are sitting on a ticking time bomb.